Building the leaders of tomorrow


A Counselor-in-Training collaborates with 30 other CITs to build skills as youth employment leaders. CITs help to run workshops that focus on improving the life, job, and academic skills of youth in the community.

$19.43/per hour
Application Closed


A Project Coordinator is the leader of the leaders that runs the Counselors-in-Training (CIT) youth leadership program. PCs serve as a role model for and develop the leadership skills of 30 youth leaders.

$20.18 /per hour
Click here to apply!

Ready to become a leader?

MYEEP offers leadership opportunities for youth who want to take the next step in becoming a leader in their community. If you would like to connect with youth and community agencies throughout San Francisco, design and facilitate workshops and activities for MYEEP interns, and utilize your perspective for the share your voice with our program, then the CIT and PC positions are for you!

What you'll learn


Develop your leadership skills alongside 25 – 30 youth from San Francisco


Learn the ins and outs of how to run a youth employment program


Share your voice through designing workshops, retreats, and activities


Support the personal growth of interns and their experience

What our youth leaders say

Frequently asked questions.

Can I apply to be a CIT or PC if I have never been in MYEEP?

Yes! Our leadership positions are open to anyone interested in further developing their leadership skills.

Can I apply to both the CIT and PC position? 

We encourage you to apply to both positions if you fit the eligibility requirements, but you cannot do both programs at the same time

How long is the CIT and PC program? 

The CIT and PC positions are year-long programs running from June through May. If accepted, you will support interns in both MYEEP Summer and School Year programs.

Any questions?

Have a question about our programs? Want to host interns?
Let's talk!

If you are a current intern, please reach out to your supervisor or site coordinator.
Contact us
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